Research over the internet can sometimes feel anonymous. You need to know and trust the source of the information you're viewing. Credibility equals value. A one-page website with an inquiry form and no disclosure of who waits on the other end is not how you should approach this very important issue. You should expect more.

LTCA is different: we want you to put a face on the company you’re dealing with. We are very proud of our 50+ year history and invite you to take a few minutes to read about us. Expect more. Learn about LTCA.

Thank you, 
Robert T. Forman


Long Term Care Associates, Inc.—a Great American Success Story

Like most successful companies, ours was founded to serve a growing need and was nurtured into success by the passion and dedication of our company founders. Incorporated in 1972 by Frank M. Forman, Forman & Associates, Inc. soon spread across 11 Western states as a pioneer in the long term care insurance field.

By the mid-1980’s, Mr. Forman was courted by some of the largest insurers in the country to help design and develop their LTC insurance products to address this emerging trend.

By the time the “second generation” of LTC products came to market in the late 1980’s, so too came the second generation of Formans into the now nationwide family business. Eldest son Robert Forman took over a national distributor based out of Nashville known as Long Term Preferred Care (LTPC) and grew it into the largest of its kind in the nation, capitalizing on increasingly consumer-driven policies now covering a vast array of care modalities such as Assisted Living and Home Health Care. 

As the demographic trend known as the “Graying of America” took hold and mobility made care from remote family members less likely, Frank's other children Gary and Stephen responded to the growing hunger for agent training in the Pacific Northwest to meet the challenge of the burgeoning industry. Frank Forman remained a sought-after speaker for groups as diverse and distinguished as the Department of Health and Human Services, the American Health Care Association, the National Council on Aging, the National Association for Home Care, and the National Governors’ Association, and provided expert testimony before the United States Congress on LTC-related issues.

Like every industry they have touched, it is the Baby Boomers who most shape today’s long term care industry. The amount of care they are predicted to utilize, and its cost, will be unprecedented. It has been made clear by the government that personal responsibility will play a key role in funding that cost of care. Reinforcing this message are LTC insurance policies with both tax-deductible premiums and tax-free benefits, state-sponsored consumer awareness campaigns, and so-called “Partnership” policies which forgive protected assets from Medicaid spenddown and estate recovery in order to encourage their purchase. 

When LTCA’s founders began in 1972, the company’s mission was to ease the financial and emotional burden that a catastrophic care event could have on families. That continues to be our goal today. We’re proud that the claim payments received by our policyholders are now measured in the tens of millions of dollars. Rest assured, when it’s your turn, we treat you like our “only policyholder”. 

The company was re-branded as LTCA in 2003 and now covers 48 states and the District of Columbia. With nearly 100 years of combined LTCI experience between the principals of our firm and leading the country by serving over 5 million members of sponsoring organizations, our commitment and passion for this business remain as strong as ever. 

Thank you for reading our story, and congratulations on taking the first step towards protecting your retirement goals!